“Looking back, none of this would have happened if I’d brought lip gloss the night of the Homecoming Dance.”
“Bruce Wayne's parents get killed and he goes to Tibet or whatever, and Superman is an alien, and Spiderman had that radioactive spider. Me? I kissed a janitor in the school bathroom.”
In Shock of this horrifying event, Harper runs into David Stark, a guy she dislikes since kindergarden, and he surprisingly helps her get it together. She misses her crowning ceremony and is disturbed the rest of the evening. When she´s home and walking around the house, she tries to jump over her family´s 2.5 meter high fence and again feels the new powers seethe inside her. She remembers the janitor appealing her to protect something and calling her a paladin, but she didn´t know what to protect or what a paladin was. Her research answered the latter: A paladin was an honourable knight, defender of a noble cause. So there was only one question left: What is her noble cause?
“Oh, don’t worry about it," I said, trying to sound normal even though all I really wanted to do was run inside the garage and try to lift my dad’s SUV. You know, for scientific purposes.”
Rebel Belle started off really great. Harper was a wonderful and often hilarious character, the writing of Hawkins was fun and sassy. Until the mid of the book I was really into it, but then I lost my excitement and it took me much more time to read the other half. Although it was still a good read.
No parts of the book came across as being forced. It all was easy to read and seemed like it actually could happen. The romance wasn´t overwhelming and very good incorporated. But there were some cliches in the book like the whole "Am I going crazy or not?" part or the feeling of the magic power enter your body as it got transferred from one to another for example, but they didn´t destroy any part of the book.
I would recommend reading Rebel Belle, even when you are not that big of a fantasy fan. For my part, I definitely continue with this series, the second book was published on the 7th of April 2015.